Modern Issues in Hawaii

Hawaiian Hero

Monday, November 17, 2008

Save Makena

I decided to share my testimony as my blog this week to try, and get my fellow classmates to help with testifying against the rezoning for the Makena resort. Here is a copy of my testimony letter.County Council Land Use Meeting scheduled for Wed. Nov. 19th, 8:30am. @ the County Bldg., 8th. floor (200 S. High St. Wailuku)

November 17, 2008

Michael J. Molina

County Council Land Use Committee Chair

200 S. High St. Wailuku

Dear Mr. Molina

My Name is Kehaulani Rand, I reside at 3225 Pikai Way Kihei and I’m writing to testify against the change in zoning for Makena resort. I realize that every land owner has the right to do what he feels best for his land, but if you’ve purchased land knowing what it was zone for than I don’t think you should be able to ask for changes to be made in the zoning. The question I have for you, is development the answer to our economy? I understand that in the short term it will create more jobs, taxes, and revenues, but in the long run we take away the beauty of why people visit Maui, and the very reason we all live here. Collectively as the people of this ‘aina (land) we should all be thinking about where development begins and where it ends.

I believe this project will destroy one of the last beautiful areas of South Maui, and it will hurt future generations as it devastates more of our beaches, reefs, Hawaiian culture sites and Native dry land forest. I ask that as you review this issue you really search deep within your na’au (gut) for the answers to do what is pono (right) for our past, present and future generations.

O wau me ka ha’a ha’a

Kehaulani Rand
Save Makena []


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