Modern Issues in Hawaii

Hawaiian Hero

Monday, November 3, 2008

Who’s Best For Our Future?

As election 2008 is upon us I feel confused with so many issues, and I’m sure there are many other Americans out there who feel the same way. I’m perplexed with the fact that trust, honesty, and integrity is diminishing more and more with the people whom we depend on to lead, and make the right choices for us. For goodness sakes we can't even trust electronic voting machines, How sad is that! This election is probably the hardest decisions I’ve had to make in the twenty eight years I’ve been voting, and it’s not because of the fact that we could have for the first time a part African American President, or a woman as a Vice President. It’s the fact that I'm more aware of what's really happening, and I believe it because I'm taking this Hawaiian Issues class. I feel as though I’m voting for the lesser of two evils, and that’s uncomfortable!

Aside from the Presidential election my profound concerns are more about who will be making decision for the people of Hawaii, particularly Native Hawaiians (Kanaka Maoli). As I researched the candidates running for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee At-Large, I feel that its time for a change! We cannot have someone in these positions that supports the Akaka Bill or we will not accomplish anything. Sol Nalua’i is the only candidate that talks about maintaining transparency and open communication with input and feedback from all OHA beneficiaries, the only one who mentions the importance of not dividing our Hawaiians by blood quantum, and of course the renegotiation of ceded lands. Unfortunately, it’s prevalent that majority in the Senate and House supports the Akaka Bill, so wouldn’t it be beneficial for us to have our OHA elected trustees who don’t support the Akaka Bill be the voice for the Hawaiian People. (Kanaka Maoli)?

I’ve heard so many comments on many different issues “if it’s not broken than don’t fix it!” Well, I believe that our government has been broken for so many years, and although it may be frightening to try someone new or something different, and maybe out of our comfort zone, but we all know that change can sometimes turn out to be a good thing! My only hope is that people would try to make their decision based on integrity, and not on what their familiar with.

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